Sunday, August 28, 2016

We are all survivors

If we think about it, we are all survivors.

How many times have you been in a near accident?
How many times have you walked away from some physical thing that should have taken your finger off?  Or your hand?

How many times have you said, “There but for the grace of God, go I?”

How many times has a child of a friend been stricken with something—or born with something that put that child at the edges of the Standard Deviation curve—and you immediately hugged your own child and pulled him/her close?

The neighbor’s son doesn’t come home from the war, but yours does.

At those times you are a survivor.  We thank God for our blessing and then feel remorse because we are happy that we are okay, BUT simultaneously devastated at the toll taken on the person not so blessed.

That is the theme of Out of the Depths.

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